Saturday, October 22, 2011

Long time no see

So after a very long time without posting i am going to start posting again! yay! So after seeing HP7 part 2, I think we can all agree that it was amazing! one of my fave parts from the entire like thing was when Hermione said, "I'm going to bed before either of you can come up with an idea that will get us killed, or worse: expelled." or when Harry and Ginny are kissing and George comes up behind them and goes, ‘“Morning!” or the ear jokes in part 1. either way we all know this series has changed our lives forever. On a different note, I would just like to point out that the most recent movie trailer for twil***t TOTALLY gives away the entire series. Also, I'm applying for Louisville and they have the cutest laptops ever! also I finally got a phone! So ya. that's all I've got to say.